Thursday, March 8, 2007

Whats with going solo?

Avinash Kaushik writes stuff about web-analytics that can be used by novices as primers for building their understanding, and experts as content matter for strong debates. Avinash announced on his blog that he is going solo and will be a analytics evangelist for google for his first assignment.
Kevin Hillstrom of MineThatData has also decided to go solo. No need to tell the readers who Kevin is and the analytical depth with which he writes.

Now, lets Mine This Data, pun unintended! :)
A. The analytics market is growing insanely. There is need and space for a large number of such strong SMEs as Kevin and Avinash.

B. A thorough understanding of analytics is a fairly complex skillset, and rare. Anyone can come and talk data and profiling and dashboarding and modeling. But there aren't too many people who understand the complete data analytics process well. Right from the vision, method, depth and technology for data acquisition to the expansive business application of analytical frameworks, while maintaing a sync the IT and Business startegy of the firm, is no mean task.

C. Most importantly - Intellectual bankruptcy. The number of analytics blogs that have come up, with people writing on specific subjects (Avinash on web analytics) to people writing on all analytics subjects (Kevin), is proof enough for me that the bubbling energy amongst all these intellectuals needs a vent. While blogging helps them think more, and beyond the scope of their day to day assignments, going solo implies they are ready to get dirty once again.

What do we have then - Market <> Skillset <> Desire! What comes out of it at the end - Pure Magic. All the best Avinash, Kevin!

Avinash - if the quality of your posts go down, I will start throwing hate mails at you! :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words, Amit --- how nice of you!

I am looking forward to this big change. It's not easy to throw away a good job and start over with no guarantee of anything good happening, but I'm really looking forward to taking this chance!

Keep doing the good work!!

Amit said...

Its a pleasure reading your blog.

Its definitely not easy to throw away a good job, even if you are moving to a seemingly nice new job, leave aside a movement to uncertainty.
But - I just love these 3-4 lines -

When a great scorer comes, he writes against your name.
Not whether you lost or won, but how you played the game! :)

I have no doubts you will succeed! Good Luck!